
ESG-based Sustainability Frameworks

All of the sustainability frameworks within this section are voluntary, although the expectation for businesses to report against at least one of them is increasing. Many of these also include emissions and energy indicators but they are set apart as they also include a range of important Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues that are important factors in sustainability.

ESG-Baseed Sustainability Frameworks

The key sustainability frameworks that are focused on Environmental Social Governance (ESG) issues are:

UN Global Compact   The UN Global Compact is a voluntary framework for companies to publicly commit to ten universal principles related to human rights, international labour standards, environmental protection and anti-corruption.

There are 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which include environmental, social and economic goals with 169 associated targets that companies can voluntarily demonstrate that they are contributing to.


Ecovadis is an online sustainability framework that provides performance ratings for companies within global supply chains.


GRI is an internationally recognised and extremely broad framework of standards for reporting on sustainability with requirements, recommendations and guidance on 900 sustainability topics.